Getting benefits from DXN food supplements?

How to get maximum benefits 
from DXN food and food supplements?

1. Having the correct mindset
Effective health improvement begins with your mind---belief in herbs is an important factor to maximize the benefits. In addition, an understanding of Ganotherapy is important.

2. Using the Ganoderma & other food supplements regularly as per consumption chart
Taking  the correct consumption regularly is extremely important.

3. Increasing the consumption as per the consumption chart will give faster results.

4. Giving sufficient time
The result of Ganoderma is visible if sufficient time is given. Since these products are working in cellular level, it takes time to show the results. Different people will take different time to show the results; all depending upon the number of cells being repaired.

 5. Expecting Ganoderma temporary reflection
The food supplements do not have side effects but do have positive ailing reflection. Reflection is the detoxification (discharge of chemicals) of the body.