How to build Width & Depth in DXN

 How to build Width & Depth in DXN to get Financial Freedom

WIDTH gives profitability and status & DEPTH gives you the financial stability
If you are just a member, you strive to become a Star Agent SA and after that you build your status to Star Ruby SR by making 3SA lines (here from member, the % go up from 6% to 31%). After SR, the focus is to make 5 SR so that you get one time $1580 & have your bonus increase on a monthly become a Star Diamond, SD, by having 6 SA. This is where the business starts and you could see the increase in bonus. You see both the jump in profitability and status.

After SD, your concentration should be in making those 6 SA to SR and at the same time opening 4 more new lines in width that is new members. Once you have those 6 SA horizontal lines becoming SD, you are Triple Diamond. That is the time your width has grown to give you bigger bonus with higher status. Some people have more than 100 widths and some have just 30 and they still are managing to reach Crown Diamond CD.

In width, when your new 4 lines become SD, you are a Crown Diamond and now your profitability as well as status is higher.

When you have another 10 new lines build up to become SD, you are called CROWN AMBASSADOR and that is the ultimate status you will have in DXN. But this does not guarantee you a very high bonus. I am sure leaders who have put in the time as well as effort to grow their business should be getting 30,000 US$ or higher. What one has to understand is that with width, you have to focus on making more SD depth wise in every line. The more SDs you have in your group, the bigger the bonus will be which will ultimately give you the financial freedom.

Bottom line is, smart networkers work with many people. They move the people, people move the products, products move the PV and ultimately the PV moves the bonus. That is the simple formula of getting the big bonus.